Sunday, May 22, 2011

4. Conversations with the kids

Conversations with the kids.. I thought it would be jot down some of the things the kids say. This week I was doing the dishes, Bowan was just sitting in the family room ( i think playing his ipod) and I asked him to come help me dry the dishes, he said " sure, Mom" as he was drying I was talking to him about school, he said, " mom, I just can't believe all the girls that like me, when I am playing on the playground all these girls keep asking me to come over so they can give me a big hug." he continued, " I will just be walking around school and all these girls will yell, 'hey Bo!' " I said that must be pretty cool though, right?! He said, " yeah" I was cracking up! He is so funny.
Marky has really been into singing Opera this week. Mrs. Mullenaux said he will give his answers in Opera all the time. He is so funny.
Ava had her concert for EVMCO last night. It was great, they had a guest artist Collin Raye, we had 2nd row seats, it was just incredible. Ava was so cute, she had her mouth open so big! We were so proud of her. She loves to sing.
Canon was left with a babysitter while everyone came to the concert.. Camille walked in the door and Canon just started grabbing Mark's leg and not letting go! Mark said he was so sad. He would've grabbed me but I wasn't here (wink:) Mark said when they all came back that Canon yelled "BYE" to Camille and ran to Mark. He is such a little cuddle.. he will put his head on your shoulder and pat your back, he is just the cutest little ball ever! Yesterday the kids all went for a run while I went to the Temple, Mark said Canon was doing everything the boys were doing. He loves his older brothers, and little Canon and Ava are just little buddies.
Mark is working on reposting Reflections of Christ to the world with Mike Van. I am happy that he is trying to do this finally.. I just hope its not too late. Although people still love the project.
I am trying to work on journaling and recharging my spirit. I went to the Temple yesterday and couldn't stop crying. I don't even know why. I was praying to feel of the spirit and I really did yesterday, I am glad I went.

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